Admin Center and Profile and Settings

Admin Center

1. Sign in with your Group Admin credentials.

2. The Admin Center button is placed on the top right corner of the screen.

3. The Admin Center page enables the main Group Admin to either edit the profile of an existing group admin user or add a new group admin user (sub-admin).

NOTE: Items like name, email ID, and password editable, except role.

Important: The main group admin can change the password of his/her own account as well as of the other users attached to the group admin account.

4. To change the password of an existing user:

Click on the Set Password link. > On the Set Password pop-up, enter a new password as per the prescribed format for a password. > click on Save.

Profile and Settings

1. Sign in with your Group Admin credentials.

2. The Profile and Settings button is placed on the top right corner of the screen.

3. Some of the options available on the Profile and Settings section are:

● Manage Account

● Video Tutorial

● Platform Help Guide

● Privacy Policy

● Terms and Conditions

4. The Manage Account link enables a group admin to edit the profile and password of his/her own account.

NOTE: A group admin cannot edit the password of others’ accounts from the Profile and Settings section. It can only be done through the Admin Center Section.

5. The Video Tutorial link lets an group admin access some of the instructional

videos on the Kitaboo platform.

There are two options present under Video Tutorial.

-Client Admin

-Customers Admin


6. The Platform Help Guide link takes you to the Kitaboo Help document.

7. You can get to know the Kitaboo Studio privacy policies and terms and conditions by using the relevant links. You can also log out from the Kitaboo platform by using the Log out button.