Adding a Group

At times you may need to club your customers having something in common into a group. It will save you from performing a similar set of activities for individual customers, and also save your time and energy. Remember that there should at least be two customers to create a group. You may treat the group one customer, and enter the required details like group name, email ID, onboarding type, etc.

1. Sign in with your Enterprise Admin credentials.

2. Click on + Group for adding a group

3. Enter the group details like Group Name, Description, Email ID, Group ID, and Onboarding Type. > Select Customers from the list.

NOTE: Some of the customers on the list are grayed out. This is because they are already part of another group. Hence they cannot be selected.

4. Click on Select Cover to upload a cover image, if any or go by the default

selection. > Click on Save. > Click on Add.

5. If you want to view the group you’ve recently added: Click on the Customers filter. > Select Groups.

6. If you want to edit any of the group information:

Click on Edit. > Do the desired edits. > Click on Update.

NOTE: A group’s email ID cannot be edited once it has been added to the Kitaboo system.

7. If you want to deactivate a group as a whole:

Click on Deactivate. > Confirm your action on the pop up. > Click on Update.

8. If you want to edit information related to a particular customer of a group:

Select the Group. > Click on the More icon against the customer you want to edit. > Select Edit. > Do the desired edits. > Click on Update.

9. If you want to deactivate a particular customer of a group:

Select the Group. > Click on the More icon against the customer you want to

edit. > Select Deactivate. > Confirm your action in the pop up message. > Click on Update.