Adding an LTI 1.3 Customer with OneRoster

Adding an LTI 1.3 customer with OneRoster as the Rostering type involves a much higher level of dependency between the Kitaboo system and its partner and vice-versa. ies. Let’s see what these dependencies are before setting up for LTI 1.3 integration.

Partner ID in Kitaboo System so you need to ask for SourceID in case if they don’t understand the client partner ID.

Let’s now see how to add an LTI 1.3 customer with the other Rostering type option, that is OneRoster.

1. Sign in with your Enterprise Admin credentials.

2. On the Customers tab, click on +Add Customer.

3. Enter the Profile, Administrator, and Address details of the customer you want to add.

4. Select LTI 1.3 as the Onboarding type from the SSO Source dropdown menu.

> Select one of the options from the Rostering type menu.

5. If you select OneRoster as the Rostering type, new fields like Sync Type, Match with, Sync Frequency, Suffix, Authorization, Client Partner ID, Consumer Key, Secret Key, and URL will appear.

6. You need to select one of the Sync Type options from the dropdown menu.

We have selected the Sync With API option in this example.

7. Select one of the Match with options.We have selected the Source ID option in this example.

8. Next, select either Manual or Auto as the Sync Frequency. Let’s select the Auto mode of Sync frequency. In this case, you will have to define how frequently you want the system to automatically sync your data. Therefore, select one of the options on the Period menu. We have selected the Weekly option in this example.

9. Next, enter details in the Client Partner ID, Consumer Key, Secret Key, and URL fields. > Check the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service box. > Click on Add.

10. If you select the ZIP Upload option for Sync type, the Auto Sync Frequency

button will disappear. This is because the only option to sync the data in this case is to do it manually. You also need to provide the Client Partner ID. > Check the Privacy

Policy and Terms of Service box. > Click on Add.

11. Once you have completed the LTI 1.3 customer with OneRoster addition process, you need to login with the partner’s credentials you have just created and initiate the process for syncing with OneRoster. Switch to the Users tab. > Click on Class.Click on the Sync with OneRoster –API button on the Class tab to initiate the data syncing process


1. It is to be noted that the key values of each csv file are as per the IMS global standard, and therefore cannot be changed.

2. In the sample csv files link, fields which are marked in red are mandatory fields.

How it Works

1. A user has to upload users.csv, orgs.csv, classes.csv, and enrollments.csv files in a bundle, i.e. the user has to make a zip of all the files.

2. Once the .zip file is ready, login with the institute admin credentials, navigate to the Users menu, click on Upload Roaster File, and upload the .zip file.

3. After successfully uploading the .zip file and process completion, The user should be able to see the newly added users and classes under the Users and Class sections respectively.

4. Once a user and class is created through OneRoster, a partner can add and assign content to the user/class.

5. The newly created user should now be able to login to the reader.

6. If you sync the data again, without the old user entries, the Kitaboo system will delete the old user who is missing in the new zip file. Hence, please make sure that you are updating the last uploaded sheet at a regular interval to avoid the risk of deletion.

7. Please make sure you uploaded the zip file to the correct location of SFTP and the file name should be the same which you defined during the account creation process.

For more information, please refer to: