Admin Center and Profile Settings

1. Admin Center

1. Users

  • Sign in with your Customer Admin credentials.

  • The Admin Center button is placed on the top right corner of the screen.

  • The Admin Center page enables the main Institute Admin to either edit the profile of an existing user or add new user(s).
    NOTE: Items like name, email ID, and password editable, except role.
    Important: The main institute admin can change the password of his/her own account as well as of the other users attached to the institute’s account.

  • To change the password of an existing user: Click on the Set Password link. > On the Set Password pop-up, enter a new password as per the prescribed format for a password. > click on Save.

  • The Admin Center also enables you to add a single user or to simultaneously add multiple users to your account.

2. Bulk User Delete

  • Sign in with your Customer Admin credentials.

  • Select the option from the list for which you want to delete e.g. all users, all students, all teachers, all classes.
  • Click on Proceed to confirm.