
Getting Started with Bookshelf

Bookshelf will showcase all the contents that are assigned to that particular user in a categorical manner.

The Kitaboo Shelf displays a repository of content available for reading/downloading to specific categories.

1. All : Display all categories with the associated contents in the bookshelf

2. Recently Accessed : Shows all the recently accessed content by the student.

3. Downloads : Shows all the downloaded contents by the student.

4. Favorite : Shows all the contents that user has marked as favorite.

5. Category Search : Student can search for a particular category in the  bookshelf.

6. Category : Displays all the category names associated with the account.

7. Search : Opens a search panel to search content on the shelf.

8. Category View : Displays the category name and number of contents available in that particular category.

9. Next : Lets you swipe the contents back and forth horizontally within in a particular category.

10. View All : Displays the entire repository of content in a vertical, categorical view.

11. Thumbnail : Displays the cover image of a resource. You can click on it to open or view the resource.

12. More Info : Lets you obtain more information about a resource.

13. Sort By : Student can sort the contents within the bookshelf based on “Title Name”, “Author Name” & “Published Date”.

14. Profile : Opens a pop-up that contains user’s information, a link for profile setting, and the Sign out button.