Canvas LTI Integration

1. Navigate to the canvas LMS portal 

( and login with the admin credentials.

2. Click on the “COURSES” tab located in the left navigation panel.

3. Click on “HISTORY”, scroll down and then click on “SETTINGS”.

4. Under SETTINGS, click on “APPS”, and then click on “VIEW APP CONFIGURATION” (it will be located just under the APPS tab).

5. CLick on “+APP”.

6. Fill all the required details (as mentioned in the screenshot below).

It is important to note that Kitaboo supports the following Custom parameter that you can use in the Custom parameters box:

● bookid – It will directly open the specific book for the users (these parameters are case sensitive).

After this, scroll down and click on “SUBMIT”, Your app will be created.

7. Go to “MODULES” (bottom left side of the screen), and click on “+ MODULE”.

8. Fill the name field, enter a name of your choice and click on “ADD MODULE”.

9. Once your module is created, you can scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see your module there. Moving further click on the “+” sign, in your module.

10. A window will appear, add EXTERNAL TOOLS from the dropdown menu. Once you have selected external tool,a list of existing apps will appear, click on the App that you have created in the above steps.

Click on “ADD ITEM”.

11. Once you have done the above step, it would appear like shown in the below screenshot.

12. Click on the icon highlighted below, to publish the app and module.

Demo canvas lti integration – This is your app.

demo for canvas – this is your module.

First publish the app, and then publish the module.

Once the app and module is published it will look like this.

13. Scroll to top of the page and click on “STUDENT VIEW” (Top right corner of the module section).

14. Once you have selected a student view, your page will be transformed into a student view.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will see your module and app, Click on your app.

15. Once you click on app i.e. “Demo canvas lti integration”, you will be redirected to the page, as shown below. CLick on “Load Demo canvas lti integration in a new window”.

16. Once you click on it, a new tab will be opened, and you will be able to view the book.