How to add Sticky Notes

The Kitaboo app allows users to add sticky notes directly onto eBook pages, providing a convenient way to jot down thoughts, reminders, or insights while reading. These digital sticky notes can be placed anywhere within the text, making it easy to reference important information or personal comments. Users can customize, edit, or delete these notes as needed, making them a valuable tool for study, review, or collaborative learning.

1. Sticky Notes Button : Click on the Sticky Notes button in the left panel to select the Sticky Notes tool.

Now click anywhere on the ebook where you want to add sticky notes and it open a notes popup panel as above.

2. Write Your Note : Type your note in the text box that appears.

3. Color : You can change the color of the sticky notes icon from the color options present in top panel.

4. Save the Note : After writing your note, tap Save. The note will be attached to the selected text.

5. Share Note : Student can share the note with teacher or other fellow students using the share button.

Accessing the Notes

  1. Accessing the Notes : The student can access all the notes that are added and shared by selecting the “Notes” tab in My Data section.
  2. Chapter Name : Shows the chapter name in which the particular highlight is added.
  3. Comment & Share : Shows the comments added or to how many students/teacher the note is shared.
  4.  Color : The color of the note icon denotes the color of the note added.

Filtering Notes

1. Filter : Student can filter the notes based on the type of note or based on the color of the notes by clicking on “Filter” icon in the My Data section.

2. All : Student can select the “All” checkbox if they want to view all the notes.

3. Notes : Student can select the notes checkbox to view all notes.

4. Contextual Notes : Student can select the contextual notes checkbox to view all contextual notes.