Issuing Licenses

To grant access to the digital content to your customers, you need to grant them the access rights. Kitaboo Studio empowers you to issue licenses (access rights) to your customers. You can also define the period till a license will remain valid as well as set the number of devices the content can be downloaded to. The portal also empowers you to track the usage of licenses you have issued to a customer.

1. Sign in with your Enterprise Admin credentials.

2. Click on the Issue Licenses button against the institution (customer) you want to issue licenses to.

3. Select the titles from the list by checking the boxes. > Click on Next.

4. Define License count > Device limit > Set the Validity period > Click on Issue


NOTE: In this example, the license will be valid for 100 days after activation.

5. Alternatively, you can also define the Start date and the End date for the licenses to be issued.

Remember that:

● If you want a license for a title to expire on a specific date, you should define the Start and End dates.

● If you want the title to expire after a certain number of days, select Upon Activation and also define the number of days you want to give access to the title.

● If you want to give unlimited access to a title(s), select Perpetual. In this case, there would be no end date.