Syncing Data with PowerSchool

Let’s see how to create and add a group, and sync it with PowerSchool.

1. Sign in with your Enterprise Admin credentials.

2. Click on + Group for adding a group.

3. Enter the group details like Group Name, Description, Email ID, and Client Group ID. > Select PowerSchool from the SSO Source/Onboarding Type dropdown menu.


 The moment you select PowerSchool as the Onboarding type, a new field by the

name Sync Type with Sync With API as a default sync type will appear. The other fields that you will find there are – Sync Frequency, Suffix, Access Token URL, URL, Consumer Key, Secret Key.


There are two Sync Frequency options – Manual and Auto. Here Manual means

you will have to manually sync the data. And, Auto means the system will automatically sync the data. If you select the Auto data syncing option, you will have to define how frequently you want the system to sync the data. Currently, there are six options available.

4. We have selected Auto as the Sync Frequency option, and Weekly as the Period for sync frequency in this example.

5. Enter details in the Access Token URL, Customer Key, Secret Key, and URL fields.

6. Select Customers from the list. > Click on Select Cover for providing a cover image to your group. > Click on Add.

NOTE: Some of the customers on the list are greyed out. This is because they

are already part of another group. Hence they cannot be selected.

Finally, you will get a confirmation message: Sync up request is accepted.